We give you the information to make your cow herd more efficient because uniformity reduces cost and creates profit.  This is a big one and we have it all covered on this episode of the Ranch It Up Radio Show!  Join Jeff ‘Tigger’ Erhardt, the Boss Lady Rebecca Wanner aka ‘BEC’, and our crew as we bring you the latest in markets, news, and Western entertainment on this all-new episode of the Ranch It Up Radio Show.  Be sure to subscribe on your favorite podcasting app or on the Ranch It Up Radio Show YouTube Channel.

WEBSITE RIU S3 E161 RightMate Cow Herd Efficiency Cattle Market News Jeff Erhardt Tigger Rebecca Wanner BEC Marty Ropp allied genetic resources


To get our cow herd as efficient as possible, one has to take the guesswork out of the equation.  This can be tough no matter what we do because we are dealing with mother nature.  But we CAN use mother nature and science to find the perfect genetic match for our cows.  The seedstock industry has been using these tools for the past several years and they are available for anyone in the commercial business to use.  No more wasted matings, disappointments and not understanding why we had all the variation come weaning time.  Let’s get prescribed matings and add uniformity to our calf crop.  Marty Ropp with Allied Genetic Resources joins us today for a very in depth conversation.  It is complex but it does not have to be confusing and all these wonderful tools are readily available at our fingertips.  We have the latest market recaps from Kirk Donsbach with Stone X Financial, Inc.  Plus the news and information you have come to rely on each and every week!  As always Tigger & BEC and the Ranch It Up crew dive into the latest agriculture news, rodeo action not to miss, and cover the cattle markets.


The Allied approach combines consistent genetic value improvement with services to reward producers for making better cattle. Allied services are designed primarily for commercial customer success with practical genetic solutions applied to your specific production system needs.

The seedstock industry’s only purpose is to drive genetic change in the commercial cattle industry by breeding and developing bulls with balanced traits and bred-in profit drivers that add value at the ranch and beyond. Their efforts and dedication are vital to an industry challenged with producing a product that must excel in varying environments, with differing management practices, balanced with maternal and terminal requirements, all while performing in the feedlot and consistently delivering an enjoyable eating experience for the consumer. Not an easy job to say the least.

You’ve worked for years, in some cases for generations, at constant genetic improvement. It would be hard to measure the time and money you’ve invested in genetics to ensure your commercial customers can confidently buy the bulls you produce each year. But that alone is not enough to differentiate you from your competition. In today’s ever-increasingly competitive seedstock business, you’ve got to offer customer service after the sale, including marketing options for your bull customers to capture the value they’ve invested in from your program. That’s where Allied can deliver solutions…

Allied values its relationship with Superior Livestock Auction, providing its bull customers with greater access to the nation’s largest buyer base and the risk management of forward contracting. Clint Berry has worked with buyers and sellers of high-quality cattle for more than a decade, building a solid reputation with ranchers and feeders. Along with his growing team of Superior Livestock reps, strategically distributed throughout cattle country, Clint works daily in the market to build the supply and the demand for load lots of cattle, with added value options that deliver profit throughout each segment of the industry.

RightMate, Precision Mating Technology, Powered by Top Genomics LLC

Genetic providers have had solid tools to assist in making consistent genetic progress for many years. In the past few years improved EPDs, bolstered by the inclusion of genomic evaluation, have been a great step forward to making the potential for progress even greater. Now there is a tested program that offers substantially more rapid improvement and success from your investment in data collection and genomic testing. RightMate generates specific, precision mating options that take full advantage of complementarity genomics between sires and dams plus all of the EPD power created from today’s massive trait databases and it is easy to use. RightMate will absolutely change the trajectory and consistency of your genetic improvement program.

Never before has a tool been available to the beef business that drives positive change and reduces variability so quickly. Yes, RightMate technology can also help you create a more consistent calf crop. With the slow nature of improvement, because of the relatively low reproductive rate of cattle vs. other species, you simply can’t afford to make decisions that don’t assure progress. This is especially true for those with extensive embryo programs. The cost of filling recipient females with embryos from matings that could have been much better, is just too high to take chances.

Genomically assured recommendations are the key! All of us have had experiences when a mating that looked promising and exciting just didn’t work. There are simply some bulls that should be bred to some females on a genomic basis and others that should not, depending on your breeding objectives and desired outcomes. You choose the bulls you wish to use, and RightMate removes those that are marginal or risky choices on a cow-by-cow basis.  The final product is a list of the best sire choices for each female ranked according to your breeding objectives along with genetic expectations for each mating result.  From that sorted list, you make the call based on your experience and desires for the additional traits that matter to you and your customer’s business.

Managing genetic diversity is another feature of our precision mating tool.  For each mating, a “genomic inbreeding” prediction is part of the process and breeding report with appropriate weighting applied to ensure diversity for the future at a level prioritized by the producer.  This tool has great potential for commercial herds as well, where minimizing the negative effects of inbreeding can have significant positive effects on profitability.

Since 2019 we have grown to more than 100 customer herds using RightMate and RightChoice technologies with overwhelming success. In 2023 alone we will generate more than 15,000 seedstock mating recommendations and our growing list of commercial customers interested in precision mating is growing quickly as well.  The first females created using RightMate precision mating technology are already weaning their second calf crop and using RightMate for the calf sire decisions. The results are just as we had hoped they would be. Herds with much greater rates of genetic improvement for the traits they prioritize, more uniformity and marketability and ultimately more profit for themselves and their customers.

There are currently two RightMate options, but we have customized and blended these options for breeders that wish to. Both options require that raw genotypes are available for Top Genomics to evaluate on every sire and dam in the RightMate or RightMate Plus program.

Better. Stronger. Faster.


1.  Creates genomic mating suggestions for each female in the cowherd and provides decision making tools to guide you through the list of prescribed sires for each female.

2.  Uses the genotypes of up to 20 sires of your choice. You may use different sire lists for heifers vs. cow matings.


1.  RightMate Plus is designed more for donor or higher impact females.

2.  Females will be test mated to the entire Top Genomic sire database (or by the breed of your choice) and the top choices among the entire list are recommended.

3.  This list of high value sires to choose from with RightMate Plus is large and growing every week.

For more information, contact Marty Ropp 406-581-7835 or Tom Hook 507-829-5283.


Marty Ropp

Allied Genetic Resources



Kirk Donsbach: Stone X Financial



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Rural America is center-stage on this outfit.

AND how is that? Because of Tigger & BEC… Live This Western Lifestyle.

Tigger & BEC represent the Working Ranch world by providing the cowboys, cowgirls, beef cattle producers & successful farmers the knowledge and education needed to bring high-quality beef & meat to your table for dinner.

Learn more about Jeff ‘Tigger’ Erhardt & Rebecca Wanner aka BEC here: TiggerandBEC.com


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