We find out where your check off dollars are being put to use. We tell you about the Motherlode Angus Female Sale from Jorgensen Land & Cattle, plus we have the latest news and markets. Tune in to this all new episode of the Ranch It Up Radio Show. Be sure to subscribe on your favorite podcasting app or on the Ranch It Up Radio Show YouTube Channel.

Elite Angus Genetics & Latest Beef Checkoff News
Optimizing Cattle Herd Success: Jorgensen Land & Cattle
Jorgensen Land & Cattle Motherlode Angus Female Sale
For over 60 years, Jorgensen Land & Cattle has been a trusted source of premium Angus genetics for cattlemen nationwide. Known for our exceptional quality and strong maternal lineage, we’ve built a reputation as one of America’s top Angus suppliers. Our cows are the result of decades of careful selection, boasting a stacked maternal line that enhances herd performance. Discover the difference Jorgensen females can make in your herd and experience the benefits of superior Angus genetics.
Full Details, Videos, Catalog, Online Bidding & Sale Information at RanchChannel.com
Catch Cody Jorgensen talking about their bull genetics on the past Ranch It Up Radio Show episode 180
Latest Beef Checkoff & Industry News
2025 Checkoff Plan Approved by Beef Promotion Committee
The Cattlemen’s Beef Board (CBB) will invest approximately $38 million into programs of beef promotion, research, consumer information, industry information, foreign marketing, and producer communications during fiscal 2025, subject to USDA approval.
In action at the end of its September 4-5 meeting in Denver, Colorado, the Beef Promotion Operating Committee (BPOC) approved Checkoff funding for a total of 12 “Authorization Requests” – or grant proposals – for the fiscal year beginning October 1, 2024. The committee, which includes 10 producers and importers from the Cattlemen’s Beef Board and 10 producers from the Federation of State Beef Councils, also recommended full Cattlemen’s Beef Board approval of a budget amendment to reflect the split of funding between budget categories affected by their decisions.
Eight contractors and two subcontractors brought 12 Authorization Requests worth approximately $46.8 million to the BPOC this week, approximately $8.8 million more than the funds available from the CBB budget.
“We’re consistently impressed with the proposals that our contractors bring forward each year, and choosing which initiatives to fund is a real challenge,” said Andy Bishop, CBB and BPOC chair. “Our budget amounts to slightly less each year because of inflation. To put it in perspective, a dollar in 1985 is worth just 35 cents¹ today. That means we simply don’t have the buying power that we had when this program first started.
“As we expected, the Authorization Requests we reviewed this week were full of new ideas and innovative approaches supporting the Checkoff’s core programs of research, promotion, foreign marketing, industry information, consumer information and producer communications. Our committee did a great job of balancing our budget and distributing our limited funds in what we believe is the most optimal way possible. I personally thank our contractors and committee members for all their hard work, and I look forward to future Checkoff successes throughout FY25.”
In the end, the BPOC approved proposals from eight national beef organizations for funding through the FY25 Cattlemen’s Beef Board budget, as follows:
- American Farm Bureau Foundation for Agriculture – $600,000
- Cattlemen’s Beef Board – $1,800,000
- Foundation for Meat and Poultry Research and Education – $600,000
- Meat Import Council of America / Northeast Beef Promotion Initiative – $900,000
- National Cattlemen’s Beef Association – $25,700,000
- National Institute for Animal Agriculture – $95,000
- North American Meat Institute – $280,000
- United States Meat Export Federation – $8,000,000
Broken out by budget component – as outlined by the Beef Promotion and Research Act of 1985 – the FY25 Plan of Work for the Cattlemen’s Beef Promotion and Research Board budget includes:
- $9,120,000 for promotion programs, including beef and veal campaigns focusing on beef’s nutritional value, eating experience, convenience, and production.
- $8,600,000 for research programs focusing on pre- and post-harvest beef safety, scientific affairs, nutrition, sustainability, product quality, culinary technical expertise, and consumer perceptions.
- $7,500,000 for consumer information programs, including Northeast influencer outreach and public relations initiatives; national consumer public relations, including nutrition-influencer relations and work with primary- and secondary-school curriculum directors nationwide to get accurate information about the beef industry into classrooms of today’s youth. Additional initiatives include outreach and engagement with food, culinary, nutrition and health thought leaders; media and public relations efforts; and supply chain engagement.
- $2,955,000 for industry information programs, including dissemination of accurate information about the beef industry to counter misinformation from other groups, as well as funding for Checkoff participation in the annual national industrywide symposium about antibiotic use. Additional efforts in this program area include beef advocacy training and issues/crisis management and response.
- $8,000,000 for foreign marketing and education, focusing on 13 regions, representing more than 90 countries around the world.
- $1,800,000 for producer communications, which includes investor outreach using national communications and direct communications to producers and importers about Checkoff results. Elements of this program include ongoing producer listening and analysis; industry collaboration and outreach; and continued development of a publishing strategy and platform and a state beef council content hub.
The full fiscal 2025 Cattlemen’s Beef Board budget is approximately $42.2 million. Separate from the Authorization Requests, other expenses funded include $305,000 for program evaluation; $750,000 program development; $200,000 for Checkoff education resources; $575,000 for USDA oversight; $220,000 for state services; $200,000 supporting services and litigation; and approximately $2.0 million for CBB administration. The fiscal 2025 program budget represents an increase of slightly less than 1.0% percent, or $150,000, from the $42.1 million FY24 budget.
For more information about the Beef Checkoff and its programs, including promotion, research, foreign marketing, industry information, consumer information and safety, contact the Cattlemen’s Beef Board at 303-220-9890 or visit DrivingDemandForBeef.com.
The Beef Checkoff Program was established as part of the 1985 Farm Bill. The Checkoff assesses $1 per head on the sale of live domestic and imported cattle, in addition to a comparable assessment on imported beef and beef products. States may retain up to 50 cents on the dollar and forward the other 50 cents per head to the Cattlemen’s Beef Promotion and Research Board, which administers the national Checkoff program, subject to USDA approval.
1 Source: January 2023 Consumer Price Index Inflation Calculator
Anthrax Confirmed In Carbon County, Wyoming
According to the High Plains Journal, Anthrax has been confirmed in multiple beef herds located in Carbon County, Wyoming. This is the first confirmed anthrax in Wyoming cattle since the 1970s. Wyoming State Veterinary Laboratory confirmed the diagnosis late Aug. 31.
Both WSVL and private veterinarians were essential in the diagnosis of anthrax impacting several herds in the region.
Dr. Hallie Hasel, Wyoming state veterinarian, said protecting animal and human health is critical upon diagnosis of a zoonotic disease. She went on to say that the Wyoming Livestock Board will continue working with producers and private veterinarians to reduce further spread and limit human exposure through recommendations for carcass disposal and vaccination. Anthrax vaccine is approved for multiple livestock species and highly effective.
Anthrax is a bacterial disease caused by Bacillus anthracis, a naturally occurring organism with worldwide distribution. The spore-forming bacteria may survive in the soil for years to decades, resulting in sporadic outbreaks which usually occur after periods of drought followed by heavy rain.
Domestic and wild animals may become infected when they breathe or ingest spores in contaminated soil, plants, or water. Clinical signs of anthrax in livestock include sudden death, weakness, staggering, difficulty breathing, fever, and bloody diarrhea.
Owners of livestock experiencing clinical signs consistent with anthrax or sudden death should contact their private veterinary practitioner.
U.K. Sheep, Cattle Industries On Alert After Bluetongue Virus Detected
An outbreak of bluetongue virus on England’s North Sea coast has British agriculture officials and the cattle and sheep industries scrambling to contain the insect-borne disease, which can devastate ruminant herds.
The Department for Environment, Food & Rural Affairs (Defra) said Tuesday that 27 animals on 10 farms have been confirmed with bluetongue infection. Authorities this week extended restrictions on transport of livestock to all of Norfolk and Suffolk counties and part of Essex.
The United Kingdom, which had a small bluetongue outbreak mostly among cattle from November to March, has been on alert for weeks due to a larger ongoing outbreak across the North Sea in the Netherlands, amid warm summer weather when the biting midges that spread the virus are most active. The insect vectors can be blown by wind across the North Sea from continental Europe. Goats and deer are also at risk of bluetongue, which can be fatal or cause infertility in livestock. U.K. authorities say there is no risk to people or food supplies.
The first new case in England was detected on Aug. 26 in a sheep on a farm near Haddiscoe in Norfolk, about 150 miles across open water from the Netherlands. A 20-kilometer (12.4-mile) temporary control zone was initially ordered, and within four days authorities saw evidence of “local transmission.”
World meat prices down from July, still up on year
The Food and Agriculture Organization’s Meat Price Index averaged 119.5 points in August, down 0.7% from July, but still 3.7% higher than the same time last year. The United Nations released the FAO Food Price Index for August last week.
Poultry meat prices fell due to Brazil’s temporary export suspension following a Newcastle disease outbreak, despite the issue being resolved.
Global pig meat prices dropped for a second month, driven by weak import demand and ample supply, the report said. Ovine meat prices saw a slight dip after three months of increases, mainly due to reduced Chinese imports. However, bovine meat prices edged up slightly, influenced by seasonal declines in slaughter animal supplies in Oceania.
RanchChannel.Com Now Has The Futures Markets
Futures Markets
RanchChannel.com now has futures markets at your fingertips! Feeder Cattle, Live Cattle, Corn, Wheat, Soybeans, Soybean Oil, Milk Class IV, and Ethanol. Information is provided by DTN and market information may be delayed by as much as 10 minutes. Click Here for more information!
Jorgensen Land & Cattle Motherlode Sale: September 21, 2024, Ideal, South Dakota
ISA Beefmasters: October 5, 2024, San Angelo, Texas
World Famous Miles City Bucking Horse Sale: May 15 – 18, 2025
Eichacker Simmentals & JK Angus
Leland Red Angus & Koester Red Angus
Four Hill Farm North Country Angus Alliance
Cody Jorgensen
Jorgensen Land & Cattle
Kirk Donsbach: Stone X Financial
Mark Vanzee
Livestock Market, Equine Market, Auction Time
Shaye Koester
Casual Cattle Conversation
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